本研究中心將於107年05月25日與國立成功大學電機資訊學院共同邀請IBM T.J. Watson research researcher Dr. Chia-yu Chen蒞臨演講,本次講題為:「Compression techniques for data-parallel distributed training」歡迎對此講題有興趣的夥伴踴躍報名參加。
Dr. Chia-yu Chen is a Research Staff Member in accelerator architecture & machine learning team at IBM T.J. Watson research center, New York. In IBM, he was first few to initiate approximate computing for deep learning accelerator designs and this has become an impactful project. In these years, he focuses on hardware-efficient deep learning algorithms and accelerator architecture designs. He has successfully delivered research ideas to IBM future products and also published ~25 patents (nominated as a master inventor in IBM research). Before joining IBM research, he received Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. During graduate school period, he has held a number of summer appointments: KLA-Tencor, San Jose CA (2007); TSMC, Taiwan (2008); Berkeley Design Automation, San Jose CA (2009); AMD, Sunnyvale CA (2010); Intel, Hillsboro OR (2011).
時間:107年05月25日(五) 15:00-16:30
主講人:Chia-yu Chen(IBM T.J. Watson research researcher)
**本活動聯絡人:陳怡君 06-2757575#62517 / yijunchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw