2018.12.5【國際AI專題演講】Konstantin N Yarygin (Institute of Biomedical Chemistry) Post category:中心活動資訊 / 過往 日期:107年12月5日時間:10:30-12:30地點:國立成功大學資訊工程學系新館65405階梯教室講者:Konstantin N Yarygin(Institute of Biomedical Chemistry)講題:Stem Cell Research to Gain Insight into Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Biology👉👉報名網址:https://reurl.cc/vgVXo**本演講為英文演講 Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like 2021.5.21【AI醫療資訊攻防戰】 2018.5.29【International AI speech-INRIA-Saclay】Dr.Frédéric Chazal 2019.11.8【AI Meetup@Tainan 腦科學與AI對話】