2021.9.17 印度大廠Tech Mahindra至中心參訪交流 Post category:LatestNews / Outcome 2021.9.17 印度IT大廠Tech Mahindra至中心進行參訪交流 由工研院產科國際所引薦印度商馬辛達國際科技有限公司TECH MAHINDRA,由台灣區總經理安旭文先生(Ashwin Pershad)與其夫人一同至AI中心參訪交流,媒合雙方在智慧醫療領域發展之合作可能性。 Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like Meeting with the Editor-in-Chief 2021.2.18 The Strategic Cooperation beyond Borders Signing Ceremony 2019.8.7 Constructing a Comprehensive Sleep Enhancement Program