2021.9.17 印度大廠Tech Mahindra至中心參訪交流 Post category:LatestNews / Outcome 2021.9.17 印度IT大廠Tech Mahindra至中心進行參訪交流 由工研院產科國際所引薦印度商馬辛達國際科技有限公司TECH MAHINDRA,由台灣區總經理安旭文先生(Ashwin Pershad)與其夫人一同至AI中心參訪交流,媒合雙方在智慧醫療領域發展之合作可能性。 Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like 2021.6.6 lntelligence PSG Scoring Training Workshop Virtual Gathering with nearly 100 Sleep Experts 2021.8.27 The Initial Workshop of Geriatric Screening and Assessment in Taiwan Over 1000 eldercare experts in attendance 2018.08.08 全印度醫學研究所(AIIMS,All India Institute of Medical Sciences) Dr. OP Kharbanda來訪交流
2021.8.27 The Initial Workshop of Geriatric Screening and Assessment in Taiwan Over 1000 eldercare experts in attendance